25 September 2008

Unfit For Office, Part 2

Are you fucking kidding me?!! Does any sane American truly believe that Sarah Palin is qualified to take over in the event that something happens to a "President McCain," a 72-year-old man with a history of cancer!?!!

Between her 3rd grade answer on Russia below, and this sorry analysis of the financial meltdown...I don't know...I'm speechless. How could John McCain possibly think Palin is the best person for the vice-presidency!?! This whole thing is a huge farce (who could have imagined we'd become a bigger laughing stock around the globe than we already were under Bush?), it's terribly frightening (tell me the words "President Sarah Palin" don't cause you to vomit instantly), and every American should reject the Republican ticket without question when they go to vote.