24 September 2008

WaPost/ABC News Poll: Obama Up By 10

I am not sure whether this is an outlier or whether the current financial meltdown has scared Americans into reality, but....

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Barack Obama beating John McCain nationally by a solid ten-point margin among registered voters:
Obama 52%
McCain 42%
The sample size in this poll is relatively small and the polls we really need to watch are, of course, the state-by-state polls. But if other polls show similar leads for Obama later in the week, then we will probably see currently McCain-leaning close states like Ohio, Florida, and Nevada slide over to Obama's column, and the Obama-leaning close states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Virgnia become a more solid shade of blue.

BUT...we'll see. Let's watch the poll numbers from other organizations as the week progresses.