25 September 2008

Unfit For Office

Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Couric last night shows exactly why her nomination is a farce. The whole exchange is a case study in Palin's unreadiness for county dog catcher, let alone the vice-presidency. Pay special attention to Couric's question at 3:06 and Palin's bumbling answer.

Good GAWD, what a train wreck!

Make no mistake, my fellow Americans: she is unfit for the office to which she aspires, and the ticket she belongs to should be rejected in a big way on November 4.

The Daily Dish chimes in:
What must the rest of the world be thinking? America is in a profound crisis economically and in two grueling wars. And John McCain thinks that if anything were to happen to him, this person is qualified to run the world. One word: terrifying.
It hurts the brain to even contemplate.


In the mean time, more from the Katie Couric interview below...

Update: Hilzoy on Couric's interview with the Moose-hunting MILF:
It would be nice if the running mate of one of the oldest candidates for president ever had some ideas about these issues. Since she's been prepping constantly, it's pretty alarming that she doesn't.

I served with quick studies. I knew quick studies. Quick studies were a friend of mine. Sarah Palin: you're no quick study.