14 March 2008

Bat-Shit Gone Wild

This NPR interview with Hillary Clinton yesterday came thisclose to making my head explode! I believe a little more with each passing day that this woman is no better than George W. Bush. She makes public statements and then makes contrary public statements later, denying she ever made the first public statement.

She agreed with the party's decision to not seat the delegates in Michigan and Florida after they broke party rules and moved their primaries up a few weeks. Now she says the elections there were fair (even though the other candidates removed their names from the Michigan ballot) and that results in those unofficial elections should stand.

She said two weeks ago that John McCain brought a lifetime of experience to the White House and that Obama only gave a speech, and then in this interview actually has the gall to say she doesn't remember saying it.

Democratic voters in the remaining primaries should think about this long and hard: Replacing the current Fascist socio-path with a Democratic socio-path is not the road we need to take to un-do what George W. Bush has done to our country, to our Constitution, and to our stature around the globe. Swapping one power-hungry, self-absorbed liar with a another will only guarantee a further erosion of homefront support for our government and hostile attitudes from our global neighbors.

To be fair, both Clinton AND McCain fit the socio-path liar description. If we're forced to choose between the two, many voters will drop out of the process, abstain from the presidential line on Election Day, or vote third-party. And that is the worse thing that could happen in an election year where we choose who will be in charge of cleaning up after the worst president in our nation's history.

The math isn't there for Clinton and she knows it. So rather than bow out gracefully she is going to cluster-fuck the process in hopes of a Republican-Fascist victory this fall, so that she can make another run for the prize in 2012.

Americans of every political persuasion need to make sure that doesn't happen. Deny this woman even a glimpse of the presidency. Cast your remaining ballots for Barack Obama to be the Democratic nominee for president.