04 March 2008

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Several new polls show Democratic voters in Texas drinking the Clinton Kool-Aid:
Clinton 47%
Obama 44%

Insider Advantage:

Clinton 49%
Obama 44%


Clinton 46%
Obama 45%
It makes me wonder if the former First Lady's vicious and smarmy attacks have worked in stopping Sen. Obama's momentum. Yesterday she practically endorsed the Republican candidate over her fellow Democrat should she lose the nomination. And if she thinks I want to vote for a Joe Lieberman-esque wench this November, she better think again!

One bright spot in polling news...SurveyUSA, who has been spot-on during most of the primary season, has Obama up 1-point in Texas:
Obama 49%
Clinton 48%
And Markos, who has been on a roll lately, is predicting a blowout for Obama in Texas. I think he's over confident but a guy can hope, can't he?

My gut still tells me Clinton will win both Ohio and Texas tonight. Of course I hope I'm wrong. That said, she would need at least 62% of the popular vote in both states to catch up to Obama in the delegate count. I don't see that happening. But even a small victory in both states will give the illusion of yet another Clinton comeback, and this nomination race will drag on.


It's gonna be a long night.