Throughout the 90s there were many of us who defended President and Hillary Clinton against those radicals who made up the very real right wing conspiracy against them. The fascist-conservatives were beside themselves that they no longer held the White House and took up an unprecedented movement to destroy the Democratic President and his wife.
Among the architects of that anti-Clinton movement was Richard Scaife, who bankrolled the Arkansas Project, a series of investigations (that led nowhere) that attempted to make the suicide of Vince Foster look a murder plot by the Clintons, and that put the couple's ill-advised (but not illegal) Whitewater real estate deal on the front pages, among many other "scandals" that never panned out. It can be argued that Scaife's Arkansas Project is what ultimately led, after nothing else would stick, to the Kenneth Starr-led impeachment of a sitting president over a sexual liaison.
As I said, millions of us defended the President against this group of right wing, fascist thugs. So, imagine my surprise, shock, and horror when I see Sen. Hillary Clinton, as a candidate for her party's presidential nomination, sitting down with the architect of the rag tag group that tried derail her husband's presidency, to bash a fellow Democrat...
When asked by Scaife and his editorial board at some Pittsburgh news rag about her comments yesterday that "we don't choose our family, but we can choose the church we attend" (actually, you could have divorced Bill, Hil) and that Rev. Jeremiah Wright would not have been her pastor, she responded:
Well I answered a question in an ed board today that was very specific about what I would have done. And you know I'm just speaking for myself, and I was answering a question that was posed to me.It's a slap in the face to each and every one of us who passionately defended the Clintons. And it's one more notch in series of them that leads me ever so closer to an absolute denial of my vote in November to Sen. Clinton should she be the nominee.
Shame on her.