12 September 2008

McCain Exposed

He can't win on the issues so McCain, his running mate, and the rest of his Fascist-Republican team are trying to win this election by throwing bold faced lies and distortions at the American public.

Thankfully, there's YouTube...

That any American is thinking of casting a vote for this ticket is beyond comprehension.

Josh Marshall puts it best:
John McCain is telling lie after lie. Not off the cuff remarks that can be excused as accidents or flubs but the same lies consistently and many of them. Serial liars are never trustworthy people -- that is a truism. But it also demonstrates a deeper character flaw. A normal job applicant would be disregarded out of hand after such a record became clear.
This guy shouldn't be anywhere above 40% in the polls, yet he is.

What. The. Fuck. ??