01 October 2008

American Life In Decline

Quote of the Day:
The banking and financial industries will be brought to their knees in the coming days -- but at the same time, I think that we are seeing ... the end of America's role as the world's consumption engine.

The quality of life for the average American will decline, but the trend towards more and more capital dependence on other nations is probably going to begin to reverse itself -- or at least significantly slow.

...George W. Bush's demands early in his administration for unprecedented powers and budgetary authority amidst unprecedented secrecy and non-transparent government was never effectively challenged by the [Republican] Congress that should have fought for its own constitutional prerogatives...

...But now the marketplace of power in the world and of the global financial order has brought this administration to a devastating conclusion ... and Americans are going to pay a long-term price for the reckless stewardship of America's [economy].
-Steve Clemons, serving up the hard medicine that Americans can't seem to wrap their brains around.